AmazonSmile is a way customers can support their favorite charitable organization every time they shop with Amazon. When you shop using AmazonSmile, you'll find the same Amazon storefront you know and love, with the added bonus that AmazonSmile will donate a portion of the eligible purchase price to the charity of your choice, at no additional cost.

How To Set-Up/Change Amazon Smile to benefit Marvista Elementary
First, head to and log in using your Amazon login. Next,

Now you need to set your charity:

And that's it!
If you shop from amazon smile, or through your app, a percentage of your purchase will be automatically donated to Marvista PTSA to benefit our school, teachers and students. You can also log in and review the amount Amazon has donated on your behalf at any time.
Thank you for small changes like these which benefit Marvista Elementary.
From your Amazon account select “All” from the top rightUnder “Your Current Charity” click “Change Charity” In the search bar type in “Marvista PTSA” then click “Search” button When “Marvista PTSA” comes up, click the “Select” button next to itYou will receive confirmation your charity was changedAnd now you can see Marvista PTSA selected as your current charity
You can return to your AmazonSmile site any time to see how much you have donated to the Marvista PTSA and how much we have received in total.