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Marvista School Swag

We have officially launched our online school swag store! Check it out and order yourself, your extended family, your kids and your neighbor's something to show your Marvista school pride! 



Promover el bienestar y la educación de los
niños de la comunidad escolar Marvista.

Marvista Yearbook

Taken some photos at a school event, at a field trip, in class, or with a few friendly classmates? Submit them via this QR code to be included in the 23/24 Marvista yearbook! 

Últimos eventos y noticias de Marvista PTSA

Subscribe to the Orca Times PTSA Newsletter

We're establishing a new PTSA newsletter to better update our community on all things PTSA. Subscribe today to ensure you stay up to date on the latest happenings at Marvista. 

Thanks for submitting!


El PTSA de Marvista fue fundado en 1978 para servir a los estudiantes de la Escuela Primaria Marvista. A través de un equipo de voluntarios dedicados que incluye padres, maestros, estudiantes y administradores, y sus donaciones, podemos proporcionar recursos significativos a nuestros estudiantes, incluido un plan de estudios de arte, acceso a tecnología, subvenciones y becas para excursiones, asambleas,_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_playground equipment and more! We also serve local families through our community outreach committee and with after-school activities_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_like Fiesta de la cosecha y Noche de bingo.


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